Command line toolsFolder store management

Folder store management

cds create store FOLDERNAME

Creates a new store in FOLDERNAME, and adds it to the list of known stores. If the folder does not exist, it is created. If it does exist, it must be empty.

By default, the filesystem permissions of the store are set such that only the current user can post objects and modify boxes. Other users on the system can post to the message box, list boxes, and read objects.

… for user USER

Makes the store accessible to the user USER.

… for group GROUP

Makes the store accessible to the group GROUP.

… for everybody

Makes the store accessible to everybody.

Note that the permissions only affect direct filesystem access. If your store is exposed by a server (e.g. a web server), it may be accessible to others.

… and remember it as TEXT

Remembers the store under the label TEXT. See "cds help remember" for details.

cds check permissions [of STORE]

Checks the permissions (owner, mode) of all accounts, boxes, box entries, and objects of the store, and reports any error. The permission scheme (user, group, or everybody) is derived from the "accounts" and "objects" folders.

If the store is omitted, the selected store is used.

cds fix permissions [of STORE]

Same as above, but tries to fix the permissions (chown, chmod) instead of just reporting them.

cds show permission scheme [of STORE]

Reports the permission scheme of the store.

cds set permission scheme [of STORE] to (user USER|group GROUP|everybody)

Sets the permission scheme of the stores, and changes all permissions accordingly.

cds add account ACCOUNT [to STORE]
cds add account for FILE [to STORE]
cds add account for KEYPAIR [to STORE]
cds add account for OBJECT [to STORE]
cds add account for ACTOR on STORE [to STORE]

Uploads the public key (FILE, KEYPAIR, OBJECT, ACCOUNT, or ACTOR on STORE) onto the store, and adds the corresponding account. This grants the user the right to access this account.

cds remove account HASH [from STORE]

Removes the indicated account from the store. This immediately destroys the user's data.

